
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Chiquita Banana #4011

#4011 is the standard yellow variety officially known as the Cavendish Banana. While Chiquita is the number one world banana seller. Of course they sell other fruit but they are famous and sometimes infamous for their bananas.

While politics should rarely invade food blog you have to know that Chiquita has had past problems paying workers fairly. Also the sub-contractors have also been heavy handed when farming. I believe they have honestly been improving but are still far from a great company.

All that aside I did get these bananas because they were super cheap and the organic bananas I've been eating were not the best. Chiquita has perfected bananas especially with refrigerated shipping. While I tend to avoid imported, this is from Guatemala, items I have to say these taste great and worth the price. Hopefully Chiquita will continue to improve and the quality of their fruit will stay high.

See I eat food that has not been prepackaged just highly modified.

Recommendation: Buy it if you can.


  1. Simply beautiful, couldn't have said it better my self.

  2. It's still healthier to eat organic but conventionally grown isn't too bad. Just try to steer clear of GMO's!
