
Monday, July 22, 2013

New York Pizza

Classic and known around the world as one of the best types of pizza. Virtually any neighborhood pizza joint is the same as long as they were once Italian owned. Now for you non-New Yorkers I will address your concerns.

This pizza is meant to be folded and eaten on the go and I would recommend some garlic powder and may some red pepper or whatever spice they have floating around you local pizza joint.

The complaints are usually that they are too greasy, saucy, and not crisp. All of these so called problems are from people who never had a proper slice. The grease can be blotted off or just let it drain off the end of your slice. The sauce is what makes a pizza, if there is no juicy sauce then you just have cheesy-bread. As for crispness the crust should be tough to crisp but the the center should bend a bit. I pretty sure nothing about this meal is healthy.

NY pizza is the best but that does not mean other styles are not good too the just fall short of a true pizza. I am not sure about the myth that NYC water makes the dough better but there is a logic to that.

Recommendation: Buy it if you can.

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